still healing (ebook)


The American view of doctors vacillates between seeing them as heroes with hearts of gold and nerves of steel and disparaging them as arrogant, callous, and careless. The truth lies between: Doctors are human beings with professional training that, at best, allows them to heal people and, at worst, to harm or even hasten death. still healing, a memoir in essays, explores the complicated realm of medical training, practice, and culture. With vulnerability and humor, it gives a glimpse into the world of a doctor and an honest and sometimes searing view of our healthcare system.

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Rosalind Kaplan is a general internist and writer in Philadelphia. She earned her M.D. Degree from the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine in 1987, and her MFA in creative writing from Lesley University in 2020. Her first full-length memoir, The Patient in the White Coat (New York, NY, Kaplan Publishing ), was published in 2010. Her essays can be found in many literary journals, including Across the Margin, El Portal, Green Hills Literary Lantern, Minerva Rising, The Smart Set, Sweet Tree, Vagabond City, and others. She teaches medical humanities and writing at Thomas Jefferson/Sidney Kimmel Medical College. She has two adult children. When she is not working or traveling, she can be found at home or hiking with one of her two rescue dogs.

”… a book every American who’s ever been to the doctor needs to read.”

—Pamela Petro, Author of The Long Field: Wales and the Presence of Absence- A Memoir and Sitting Up With The Dead: A Storied Journey through The American South,

ISBN: 978-1-950811-22-9
Publication Date: January 2025
Distributor: Ingram Book Company
Number of Pages: 253
Price: $22.95
Binding: Trade paperback

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