by BlogEditor | May 8, 2023 | Creative Nonfiction
Sex and Death by Leslie Tucker FollowFollowFollow I think about sex a lot lately and it’s because there’s so much death occurring all around me. I’m viscerally preoccupied with both, the death and the sex and I’m not certain if my morbid thoughts help me escape my...
by BlogEditor | Apr 27, 2023 | Book Reviews
Linghun by Ai Jiang FollowFollowFollow Linghunby Ai Jiang April 2023Retail – $14.99Dark Matter INK, LLC9781958598923 Book Review by Violet James McMaster (she/they) To say horror is having a bit of a comeback in publishing would be a smidge of an understatement....
by BlogEditor | Apr 6, 2023 | Fiction
Another Bride in Porto by Jennifer Sears FollowFollowFollow “When I desire you a part of me is gone…” Anne Carson, Eros the Bittersweet In Porto, everything shimmers with white. Churches with white towers line the city’s white hills. Women wearing flowing white pants...
by BlogEditor | Mar 28, 2023 | Fiction
Blurter by Patricia Dutt FollowFollowFollow They drove all day without any music, leaving the Finger Lakes in Sam’s old Honda just ahead of a snowstorm that would close the schools and the airport’s two gates. Sam sat beside Matt reading poetry and listening to...
by BlogEditor | Mar 23, 2023 | Fiction
I Don’t Have Time for This by Carol Denson FollowFollowFollow “Jen, will you spray my mouth?” “Coming.” Jen stopped scrubbing a pot, dried her hands, and walked into the bedroom. “I need my melanoma,” Margo said. “Melatonin, Mom. Melanoma is skin cancer,” said Jen....