Borrowed by Berkley Carnine FollowFollowFollow It wasn’t lying if you planned to tell the truth eventually, that’s what Annie Rae had told herself when she’d made the appointment two weeks ago. She’d needed to do this thing in her own way and when she wasn’t fucked up...
Italian Grandmothers Shared My Pregnancy by Deborah Clark Vance FollowFollowFollow My morning queasiness, motion sickness, fatigue, bloated abdomen, two missed periods—heck, even my shrinking pants—were telling me, in fact screaming, that I was pregnant. At...
So Loved by Judy Richardson FollowFollowFollow At first, my throat scratched a bit, maybe because I had been talking or laughing too much at the party, a lively celebration, stocked with tributes, a slide show, drinks, and food. I masqued my sadness during the...
Human Heartbeat Detected by Chelsey Clammer FollowFollowFollow Human Heartbeat Detectedby Chelsey Clammer August 30, 2022Red Hen Press$16.95/Paperback978-1-63628-055-4 Book review by Anna Cavouras Reading Human Heartbeat Detected is a heart-wrenching journey of...
It’s Not Funny: Facing My Laughing Lies by Michelle Goering FollowFollowFollow I was in Trader Joe’s on a Tuesday morning. I’d coasted to a stop in the middle of the aisle and was staring at the salty snack options, thinking about how none of them were healthy but...