by BlogEditor | Mar 21, 2023 | Creative Nonfiction
Common Ground by Barbara Felton FollowFollowFollow “Am I supposed to give you lunch?” My sister’s question laid bare our mutual uncertainty about how to understand my visit. It wasn’t a holiday. And she hadn’t invited me. Or rather, she hadn’t explicitly invited me....
by BlogEditor | Mar 20, 2023 | Book Reviews
Bad Cree by Jessica Johns FollowFollowFollow Bad Creeby Jessica Johns Doubleday (2023)$27.00 (hardcover)978-0-385-54869-4 Book review by Rebecca Beardsall “This. Read it. You’re Welcome.” – this was the short but accurate review I posted on Instagram this morning...
by BlogEditor | Mar 14, 2023 | Fiction
Delphiniums in Silence by Sara Masciola FollowFollowFollow They ran out of milk three days ago. Looking into the refrigerator for an alternative, Nora saw a white and green carton of orange juice sitting nearly alone, flanked only by withering grapes and a half-used...
by BlogEditor | Mar 10, 2023 | Fiction
Borrowed by Berkley Carnine FollowFollowFollow It wasn’t lying if you planned to tell the truth eventually, that’s what Annie Rae had told herself when she’d made the appointment two weeks ago. She’d needed to do this thing in her own way and when she wasn’t fucked up...
by BlogEditor | Mar 7, 2023 | Creative Nonfiction
Italian Grandmothers Shared My Pregnancy by Deborah Clark Vance FollowFollowFollow My morning queasiness, motion sickness, fatigue, bloated abdomen, two missed periods—heck, even my shrinking pants—were telling me, in fact screaming, that I was pregnant. At...