Banned Book Week by Kim Brown FollowFollowFollow Images by Kim Brown from The Bookstore of Glen Ellyn This past week, I was walking down the street of the town where I live with my two-year-old granddaughter, who had recently had a meltdown at the Mexican restaurant...
A Lesson in Art & Life by Geri Lipschultz FollowFollowFollow Photo of Denali by author I’ll say right now that I did not see Matanuska Glacier or Kenai fjords or Resurrection Bay or the bright blue ice, and I did not venture to fly into the frozen recesses of...
Journal Issue 23 available now FollowFollowFollow Issue 23, Subversion, is available now! The poetry, essays, and stories in Issue 23 – Subversion are a testament to how words can bridge our differences and serve as an antidote to the effects of oppression and...
Awakening by Mary Lane Potter FollowFollowFollow Painting by Miriam Zora Engel (author’s daughter) “Do you know what dust is?” my twelve-year-old daughter asks, looking up from her biology homework. Her voice swells with the power of knowing and the promise of youth....
A Scar That Burns by April McCloud FollowFollowFollow Photo by Hannah Grace via Unsplash The thing I remember most about dying, is how much it burns. Gasping for air, returning to life, the pain is exquisite. Everything else is burned away as the heat and fire...