Minerva Rising’s New Fiction Prize

Minerva Rising’s New Fiction Prize

When someone asks how long Minerva Rising has been around, I always say it started in January of 2012. But the idea was planted a year earlier. I was sitting in my keeping room in January, reading Secrets of the Zona Rosa: How Writing (and Sisterhood) Can Change...
Intentional Deck-Sitting

Intentional Deck-Sitting

The beach has been calling me. I need the walks by the water, the reflection and the renewal. But I’m not up to the six hour drive it takes to get there. Consequently, I’ve been thinking a lot about ways to create that beach tranquility closer to home. My first...


When I think of the wilderness, trees, bugs, animals and unfamiliar terrain come to mind. It terrifies me. In fact, I am more comfortable walking alone through the city than I am walking in the woods. Though I’m not crazy about all the city noise, I feel more in...

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