by Kim Brown | Jul 15, 2014 | Staff Blog
I spent last week at the beach. My plan was to do a bunch writing and read several books. The writing would happen in the quiet of the morning while the rest of my family slept and I’d read on the beach. Even as we packed the car, I wondered if my two bags full of...
by Kim Brown | Jun 17, 2014 | Blog, Staff Blog
Last night, before I went to bed, I mentally planned my writing week. I’d start by rewriting a piece I wrote about Raymond Chandler’s quote: “ The faster I write the better my output. If I’m going slow, I’m in trouble. It means I’m pushing the words instead of being...
by Kim Brown | Apr 22, 2014 | Staff Blog
This past weekend, New York Times best-selling author, Karen White and Minerva Rising contributor (Issue 2) Rona Simmons, shared their personal writing process with the members of the Atlanta Writers club. Rona started her talk by mentioning both Stephen King’s On...
by Kim Brown | Mar 31, 2014 | Staff Blog
Chelsey Clammer has been selected to receive the Owl of Minerva Award for 2014. Chelsey Clammer is currently enrolled in the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA program. She is organizing a women’s writing retreat that will take place in a cabin in the middle...
by Kim Brown | Mar 25, 2014 | Staff Blog
The coolest experience as a reader is when the images on the page come alive, leaving an indelible mark on your mind. You are forever changed. The feeling is intensified when it relates to something that you have personally experienced. It is as if the writer has...