by minervarising | Feb 2, 2015 | Blog, Staff Blog
In January, we asked Minerva Rising contributors what comforts them, or conversely, what they removed from their lives, what’s made them uncomfortable. I decided to make my own short list of what comforts me, to join in: * That I could name your mind everywhere...
by minervarising | Dec 8, 2014 | Blog, Staff Blog
Rejection has been my middle name lately when it comes to submitting poetry to literary journals. But apparently, according to more experienced poets, that’s a good thing. One poet emailed me, “If you’re not getting rejected 95% of the time,...
by minervarising | Nov 10, 2014 | Blog, Staff Blog
My dear poets, You still have time to send us your wonderfully crafted chapbook manuscripts for Minerva Rising’s “Dare to Be” chapbook contest judged by the poet Heather McHugh. I’ve written three poetry chapbooks and have learned some lessons...
by minervarising | Oct 13, 2014 | Blog, Staff Blog
You: “I just had one of my poems (or short stories or essays) accepted by Well-Known Literary Journal That I’ve Wanted to Get Into Forever!” Note: You told this to your well-meaning family member, friend or co-worker because you literally just got...
by minervarising | Sep 15, 2014 | Blog, Staff Blog
Do you remember the first poem you ever had published? Mine appeared in a now-defunct journal that I think had the word “Stone” in the title when I was still in high school. I remember how it felt to get the thick journal in my hands and turn to my poem...