Rising Above… A Generative Writing Workshop

Rising Above… A Generative Writing Workshop

Rising Above… A Generative Writing Workshop $25.00 Virtual Writing Workshop Thursday, March 6, 2025  7 PM (EST) As a community of wordsmiths, champions of individuality, and humans, we must continue to create. This defiant act of expression gives us hope,...
The Lay of Our Land by  Angela Belcher Epps

The Lay of Our Land by Angela Belcher Epps

The Lay of Our Land by Angela Belcher Epps FollowFollowFollow I’m finally hitting my stride after last semester’s rocky start. It was a maddening experience because everything looked great on paper. My lesson plans aligned so perfectly with the State standards for...
The Unfurling Frond by Rebecca Beardsall

The Unfurling Frond by Rebecca Beardsall

The Unfurling Frond by Rebecca Beardsall FollowFollowFollow The Unfurling Frond: A Memoir of Belonging and Becomingby Rebecca Beardsall Atmosphere Press$19.991639889558 Book Review by Colleen Lutz Clemens Rebecca Beardsall’s second memoir The Unfurling Frond offers...
Book Development Webinar

Book Development Webinar

Book Development Webinar FollowFollowFollow We will be hosting a book development information webinar on Monday, June 5, at 7:30pm EST. Learn how you can move your work-in-the process to a published book. Our executive editor, Kim Brown will discuss how our editors...

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