by BlogEditor | Nov 27, 2022 | Poetry
WHITE BOYS THINK THEY OWN ALL THE CREEKS by Leah Jones FollowFollowFollow WHITE BOYS THINK THEY OWN ALL THE CREEKS But not the mud in the bend of the road creekIt’s the field feedin’...
by BlogEditor | Nov 22, 2022 | Poetry
Infinity Pond by Carol Sadtler FollowFollowFollow Infinity Pond lap upon lap, around and backin sparkling aqua circlesour rhythmic kicks aeratewater into froth—arms dipin synchrony—propeljoy we are beautiful in our blue and greenswimsuits—my younger sister and I—like...
by BlogEditor | Nov 10, 2022 | Book Reviews
Women’s Embodied Self: Feminist Perspectives on Identity and Image by Joan C. Chrisler and Ingrid Johnston-Robledo FollowFollowFollow Women’s Embodied Self: Feminist Perspectives on Identity and Imageby Joan C. Chrisler and Ingrid Johnston-Robledo American...
by BlogEditor | Nov 7, 2022 | Creative Nonfiction
Deception by Leslie Tucker FollowFollowFollow The day I met Anna went like this. Big friendly smile, “Hi, I’m Anna, can you believe these streets are such a mess?” I opened my mouth but before I could speak she shook her head, patted her protruding belly and chuckled....
by BlogEditor | Nov 2, 2022 | Creative Nonfiction
A Room Without Windows by Lily Beeson-Norwitz FollowFollowFollow I once counted my heartbeats and mistook them for yours. I sat up straight when you entered the room and offered you my body without opening my mouth. When your eyes glanced toward me, I looked down and...
by BlogEditor | Oct 28, 2022 | Creative Nonfiction
Recipe for Forgiveness by Julie Lockhart FollowFollowFollow My mother loved to tell. She would place the stool in the tiny kitchen and tell me to watch her cook. She’d never let me cook or bake by myself. No, you would make a big mess, she’d tell me. I can still hear...
by BlogEditor | Oct 20, 2022 | Creative Nonfiction
Snapshots of a Past By Clara Oropeza FollowFollowFollow In the dream, you are a passenger inside a car that turns right onto the sleepy cul-de-sac of Bierenberg Place. On the left, you recognize the two-story brick house that sits behind a low-picket wooden fence...
by BlogEditor | Oct 17, 2022 | Creative Nonfiction
The Session by Cornelia Mars FollowFollowFollow [Please note that names have been changed, and dialogue has been translated and shortened for brevity] I’m walking up the sunny side of a residential street in Montreal. It’s late March, and a cold snap has...
by BlogEditor | Sep 27, 2022 | Book Reviews
The Muralist by Carrie Hagen FollowFollowFollow The Muralist: Of Matter Deep and Dangerousby Carrie Hagen Luminare PressAugust 2022Paperback, 298 pagesISBN-10: 1643889257ISBN-13: 978-1643889252 Book review by Diana Morris-Bauer The city of Philadelphia at once boasts...
by BlogEditor | Sep 23, 2022 | Creative Nonfiction
Math Class isn’t Tough. What Comes After is Tough. by Jessica Manack FollowFollowFollow Can a woman ever really stop tallying the figures of her life? It was just before 9:00 a.m., we were finishing breakfast, the toddler playing with his food more than eating it. I...