Fat Girl In Crowded Room by Erica W. Jamieson

Fat Girl In Crowded Room by Erica W. Jamieson

Fat Girl In Crowded Room by Erica W. Jamieson FollowFollowFollow I should stand, right?  And just start talking? Okay, then. I’m Emily. I should tell you it’s not my first time in group. I mean I’ve been before, a long time ago, in a group, like this. And, well, now...
Stargazing in Solitude by Suzanne Samples

Stargazing in Solitude by Suzanne Samples

Stargazing in Solitude by Suzanne Samples FollowFollowFollow Stargazing in Solitude by Suzanne Samples, Ph.D. Running Wild PressDecember, 2021Paperback, 337 pagesISBN-10: ‎1947041924 Book Review by Amanda Morris A book that begins with the preface “Spoiler alert: I’m...
Wizening by Jennifer Weiss

Wizening by Jennifer Weiss

Wizening by Jennifer Weiss FollowFollowFollow When my gnarled toes graze a desolate bedand I stow away your time-frayed pillowcase,may I remember: The trace of your fingers that unraveled me.The rubescent communion of our lips.The bliss when I nuzzled the cleft of...
Jailbait by Rachel Christina McConnell

Jailbait by Rachel Christina McConnell

Jailbait by Rachel Christina McConnell FollowFollowFollow Virginia is for lovers, his license plate said, but I sure as hell wasn’t losing my virginity in the backseat of his car. My first time was in a Motel 6. Getting a room was my idea. I thought it was sexy....


MINERVA’S DISPATCH: February News FollowFollowFollow Minerva Rising will be celebrating our 10th anniversary in 2022! -We have several exciting things planned. Sign up for our newsletter to receive all the latest news. Submissions will reopen February 10, 2022....
2021 Memoir Contest winner

2021 Memoir Contest winner

2021 Memoir Contest winner FollowFollowFollow Minerva Rising Press is pleased to announce the winner of the 2021 Memoir Contest, Janice Airhart’s Mother of My Invention: A Motherless Daughter Memoir.  In a Fifties household, while everyone else’s mothers are vacuuming...

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