by Minerva Rising Contributor | Feb 6, 2015 | Blog, The Keeping Room
Editor’s note: This month, we asked Minerva Rising contributors: What comforts you? Conversely, what doesn’t comfort you? Tell us what you find solace in, or what you’ve removed from your life. *** All I need is a blue sky, azure and bright, to ease my mind, reassure...
by minervarising | Feb 2, 2015 | Blog, Staff Blog
In January, we asked Minerva Rising contributors what comforts them, or conversely, what they removed from their lives, what’s made them uncomfortable. I decided to make my own short list of what comforts me, to join in: * That I could name your mind everywhere...
by Emily Shearer | Jan 30, 2015 | Poetry2, Staff Blog
Think carefully about that word — re-vision. When you set out to revise a piece, if you open yourself to what the piece is trying to say to you, the process becomes about so much more than what Natalie Goldberg calls “pencil work.” Get past the...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Jan 30, 2015 | Blog, The Keeping Room
Editor’s note: This month, we asked Minerva Rising contributors: What comforts you? Conversely, what doesn’t comfort you? Tell us what you find solace in, or what you’ve removed from your life. *** The list isn’t long. An upholstered chair with enough cushion to sink...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Jan 23, 2015 | Blog, The Keeping Room
Editor’s note: This month, we asked Minerva Rising contributors: What comforts you? Conversely, what doesn’t comfort you? Tell us what you find solace in, or what you’ve removed from your life. *** A Reminder to Myself of What I Love Slipping into an...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Jan 16, 2015 | Blog, The Keeping Room
Editor’s note: This month, we asked Minerva Rising contributors: What comforts you? Conversely, what doesn’t comfort you? Tell us what you find solace in, or what you’ve removed from your life. *** After the loss of my mother, I had a strangely...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Jan 9, 2015 | Blog, The Keeping Room
Some days I feel beautiful. Well, not beautiful in an outward Meryl Streep radiance, but beautiful in the Eastern Buddhist realm: living in my own skin, at peace with myself, not wanting to be any other woman, inside or out. It is the love I hoped to get from daddy...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Jan 2, 2015 | Blog, The Keeping Room
We tried then, didn’t we, to keep up the pretense of a normal Christmas. We drew names at Thanksgiving like always, adding a special drawing for the grandchildren. And from the hospital bed parked in her living room, Diane declared my 2-year-old daughter would need...
by Emily Shearer | Dec 29, 2014 | Blog, Staff Blog
As the year winds down to a close, I find myself ruminating on a few buzzwords of 2014. Happiness. Courage. Challenge. Creativity. What do all they all have in common? Expansion. Living the richness and fullness of everything this human experience has to offer. I hope...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Dec 19, 2014 | Blog, The Keeping Room
It’s California 1956. Land of pink, baby blue and gold-flocked Christmas trees spun with silver tinsel. The sun is warm. The trees are real but take on the aura of Walt Disney’s Fantasyland, where we all flocked for a dose of wanting to be in another place and time. ...