We Are Doing Our Best by Eileen Cunniffe

We Are Doing Our Best by Eileen Cunniffe

We Are Doing Our Best by Eileen Cunniffe FollowFollowFollow We are everywhere, the middle-aged, aging daughters and sons. Watch us folding walkers and wheelchairs into trunks, and then unfolding them again in handicapped spaces or next to sidewalk cutouts. Watch us as...
Chicken Feet by Andreea Ceplinschi

Chicken Feet by Andreea Ceplinschi

Chicken Feet by Andreea Ceplinschi FollowFollowFollow Alexandru & Andreea ca. 1987, photo from author’s family archives I could only love you the same way our mother loved chicken feet.  We weren’t rich, but our grandparents raised chickens and mother could make...
Anticipatory Grief by Debbi Welch

Anticipatory Grief by Debbi Welch

Anticipatory Grief by Debbi Welch FollowFollowFollow Isn’t good old-fashioned grief enough? Loss, tears, the flooding of memories? I’ve grieved and am still grieving my mother, father, stepfather, and brother, as well as many other relatives and dear friends. I’ve sat...
Sonata by Julie Lockhart

Sonata by Julie Lockhart

Sonata by Julie Lockhart FollowFollowFollow C-sharp (#): Compositions in a minor scale, such as Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata in C# Minor,” can evoke a misty evening of sad contemplation, moody ruminations, even grief. When Michael lived with me before we married, I...
Grandma Helen by Stacy Alderman

Grandma Helen by Stacy Alderman

Grandma Helen by Stacy Alderman FollowFollowFollow The only picture I’d ever seen of my maternal grandmother was her wedding portrait. Its muted hues, her close-lipped smile, the bundle of blooms in her hands, were spread in canvas across a 10×12 frame, and this...
Educating Grandma by Marilyn Morgan

Educating Grandma by Marilyn Morgan

Educating Grandma by Marilyn Morgan FollowFollowFollow A product of the fifties, I grew up with Donna Reed, Pat Boone, and the most daring heartthrob of all, Elvis Presley. So when my fifteen-year-old granddaughter, Lia, said to me, “Grandma, I’m not a girl,” I felt...
Drawing Blood by Sherry Stratton

Drawing Blood by Sherry Stratton

Drawing Blood by Sherry Stratton FollowFollowFollow Blood draws have been hard on me my whole life. The medical techs tell me my veins are small. Sometimes they resort to a pediatric needle. And I’ve learned there’s such a thing as a “butterfly needle.” Once, I was...
Minerva Rising Winter Reading, February 21

Minerva Rising Winter Reading, February 21

Minerva Rising Winter Reading, February 21 FollowFollowFollow Join us for a triple book launch! Together, come listen to these three powerhouses read from their new books, How We Fracture by Karen George, Fig by Emily Wall, and Twenty-One Farewells by Emily Kerlin....

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