A New Flowering

A New Flowering

One of my oldest friends, who’s not a writer, recently said to me, “I think you need to move on in your work.” Move on, she means, from writing about pregnancies, babies born premature, NICU stays — poems reverberating with the despair of a new...
Reflections from the Beach

Reflections from the Beach

I spent last week at the beach. My plan was to do a bunch writing and read several books. The writing would happen in the quiet of the morning while the rest of my family slept and I’d read on the beach. Even as we packed the car, I wondered if my two bags full of...
Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day

While this day is a celebration of the birth of our nation, I think it’s also a day to reflect and, of course, celebrate what makes the U.S. of A such a great nation. I appreciate all the women writers, poets, photographers, painters–artists–who dare to...
Poetry Chapbook Now Available

Poetry Chapbook Now Available

Two White Beds by Laura Cherry Maya Angelou said “I believe that the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity, is daring to dare.” Winner of Minerva Rising’s inaugural chapbook contest, “Two White Beds” is a collection of poetry that dares. It...

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