Issue 5 – Turning Points

Issue 5 – Turning Points

ISSUE 5: Turning Points This issue of Minerva Rising is full of stories of hope and of that elucidating point of turning to the deep intuition at the core of one’s self. “Learning to Let Go” chronicles the journey of a woman who rediscovers life after the death of her...
Journal Review: Quaint Magazine, Issue Two

Journal Review: Quaint Magazine, Issue Two

By Lindsey Grudnicki I’m truly excited to share this month’s featured journal with you. After a crazy spring – new job, busy days, little time for literary pursuits, etc. – reading Quaint Magazine brought the reader/writer/editor in me back to the forefront. The works...
Tearing Down Internal Walls

Tearing Down Internal Walls

When two things are touching, says my fourteen-year-old, the expert scientist, who is not quite an expert yet, by nature of his fourteen-year-oldness, they’re not really touching. Between skin on skin, folds of paper, words & silence, ink & white, between...

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