by minervarising | Feb 3, 2014 | Blog, Issues
ISSUE 4 – MOTHERS: This issue of Minerva Rising is a powerful tribute to the connection we feel to our mothers and our children. Each story, poem, essay, and picture is a testimony to the influence these relationships have on our creativity. In “Cyberattack,”...
by minervarising | Feb 3, 2014 | Blog, Staff Picks
Reviewed by Lindsey Grudnicki In her debut collection of short fiction, Vanessa Blakeslee offers a frank look at the defining trials – from the small inconveniences to the traumatic, inescapable events – of human life. Through eleven skillfully-written portraits, she...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Feb 2, 2014 | Blog, The Keeping Room
Here is how I know for sure that my maker is a woman and one with a wicked sense of humor. Girlfriend saw fit to match me – the wordiest of wordy women – with my mate…surely the most indifferent, heedless, hapless, (okay, I’ll say it) unskilled communicator who ever...
by minervarising | Jan 29, 2014 | Blog
I don’t hate writing. Actually, I love writing, in fact, I love it so much it feels self-indulgent to call it work. That’s when it’s going well. When it flows from the end of my fingers, onto the screen or off the tip of my pen onto the page in exactly the way I...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Jan 27, 2014 | Blog, The Keeping Room
There’s a wind blowing through the countryside here in southern Mexico. Red, orange, yellow, blue, white, purple and pink tissue paper flags flutter from the overhang that covers the patio of the casita where I live. Patterns of doves, flower baskets, sun, moon,...
by minervarising | Jan 23, 2014 | Blog
Outside our New York house today everything I see is covered in water. Hard, white water. Snow. But outside our Los Angeles house – our tenant tells us – a dusting of ash, fine, almost invisible ash, covers everything. Because of the fires, because of the...
by minervarising | Jan 20, 2014 | Blog
“Some mommies are ranchers, or poetry makers Or doctors or teachers, or cleaners or bakers Some mommies drive taxis, or sing on TV” -“Parents are People,” lyrics by Harry Belafonte and Marlo Thomas I’m a “poetry maker” mommy. And that means, for better or...
by minervarising | Jan 16, 2014 | Blog
Prior to having my daughter, poetry was a soup I could simmer in at great lengths. Some days creativity was a smorgasbord which I chewed slowly, other days, ideas were served up from a literary drive thru window from which I plucked out the contents and swiftly turned...
by minervarising | Jan 10, 2014 | Blog, Issues
ISSUE 3 – REBELLION: This issue of Minerva Rising is full of essays, stories and poems that celebrate courageous acts of rebellion. One woman ignores social convention and decorum to take control of her life in “Cast Iron.” Another woman reclaims her body after...
by minervarising | Jan 8, 2014 | Blog
It’s full-on winter here in the Northeast. Two—maybe three—feet of snow blankets our farm. It’s bitterly cold. Ice and snow coat the hemlocks and birches sheltering our house, and their branches rattle in the wind. Despite the frigid temperatures, a daily chorus of...