by minervarising | Nov 20, 2013 | Blog
I taught a class some years ago, a workshop I cooked up entitled “How to Get From Here to There”. We spent three Saturdays, me and six other women, figuring out what changes we actually wanted to make – jobs, relationships, bodies, kids, exercise, enjoyment –...
by Emily Shearer | Nov 18, 2013 | Blog, Poetry2, Staff Blog
I am not a huge fan of the epigraph. You know, those short pieces in italics set off to the right at the top of a poem or in a notes section, there to guide us obtuse readers into the mind of the poet before we get into the meat of the poem. For one thing, the word...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Nov 14, 2013 | Blog, The Keeping Room
Today, after rising at five o’clock to talk to my lover on the phone between five and six when he is on his way to work, I return to bed and dream that my son Jonathan is driving my friend Manta and me somewhere downtown and we pass a house on a street of crowded...
by minervarising | Nov 12, 2013 | Issues
ISSUE #2 – WINTER: This issue of Minerva Rising moves us inward as we contemplate the meaning of winter. Each of story, poem essay and photograph allows us to draw into ourselves as we celebrate the reparative nature of this season. We pause to appreciate the...
by minervarising | Nov 11, 2013 | Blog, Staff Picks
By Lindsey Grudnicki If you’ve finished reading our “Mothers” issue and are hungry for more motherhood-focused pieces, we’ve found the perfect journal for you! Literary Mama, a free online literary magazine headed by Caroline M. Grant, is “reading for the...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Nov 7, 2013 | Blog, The Keeping Room
My dad was a car guy. Growing up, he didn’t have any doubts about where he wanted to end up in life career-wise, as far as I know anyway. He paid for the automotive classes he needed by bartending and by mopping floors at a local bodyshop, and by the time I was...
by Kim Brown | Nov 4, 2013 | Blog, Staff Blog
I decided to re-join Weight Watchers. The decision sort of came out of no where. Well, not really. My clothes weren’t fitting correctly [read too tight]. And recent blood work suggested the onset to various illnesses if I didn’t change something. So with more than a...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Oct 31, 2013 | Blog, The Keeping Room
I hear the girls before I see them. “Oh my gosh, it’s a lizard!” Then a swarm of giggles and scuffling footsteps travel up the street, into the driveway, onto my front porch where I sit with a glass of Cabernet in the waning October sun reading Joan...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Oct 24, 2013 | Blog, The Keeping Room
I teach English 101. My classroom is the first college experience most of my students ever have. On the first day of class, it’s a guarantee that someone will raise their hand to ask if they can go to the bathroom, and they will stare at me weirdly when I answer,...
by Emily Shearer | Oct 21, 2013 | Blog, Poetry2, Staff Blog
Emily Waters Shearer Cartography I am a man with a penchant for studying maps and their narratives trapped in the dimension of border and landmark, squiggle of river, brushstroke of shoreline. I quantify canyons and caves with the tools of a surveyor:...