Fight Like a Girl by Justine Payton

Fight Like a Girl by Justine Payton

Fight Like a Girl by Justine Payton FollowFollowFollow CW: sexual violence    The man who settled himself between my legs was twice my size. I immediately felt suffocated beneath the pressure of his weight, each inhale rattling against my throat. I was aware of...
Minerva Rising Press at AWP 2024

Minerva Rising Press at AWP 2024

Minerva Rising Press at AWP 2024 FollowFollowFollow Minerva Rising Press will be at AWP 2024 in Kansas City. Come say “Hi!” at the AWP Bookfair – Table 3317 AWP 2024February 7 – 10, This year, every submission made to the...
Matriarchs by Sarah Stubbs

Matriarchs by Sarah Stubbs

Matriarchs by Sarah Stubbs FollowFollowFollow PROLOGUE I want a yoga instructor with boobs. Real boobs, not those piss-poor B cups; not even C or D will do, although that’s progress. No, I need a yoga instructor with great flapping double F’s, the kind of boobs that...
The Gifted Class by Mary Morris

The Gifted Class by Mary Morris

The Gifted Class by Mary Morris FollowFollowFollow It happened during the sweltering summer that they lived out of town, the summer of the white Ford station wagon’s inevitable demise. The Ford had lasted them for two years, despite having been purchased by Caroline’s...
If There Is No Wind by Margaret R. Sáraco

If There Is No Wind by Margaret R. Sáraco

If There Is No Wind by Margaret R. Sáraco FollowFollowFollow If There Is No WindMargaret R. Sáraco Human Error Publishing Septemeber 2022 Book Review by Anna Cavouras I sit quietly after I have finished reading and I contemplate the cover question: what if there is no...
Seedlings by Jody Lisberger

Seedlings by Jody Lisberger

Seedlings by Jody Lisberger FollowFollowFollow The day I caught my twin sister Eliza kissing Danny Quinn, I never stopped to think they had a secret. Is that how the kiss felt to her? Like she already knew they were both gay? On that warm afternoon near the end of...
SEX & SPATULAS by Pat Ryan

SEX & SPATULAS by Pat Ryan

SEX & SPATULAS by Pat Ryan FollowFollowFollow Betty never thought food would be important. She never thought about food at all, certainly not about cooking it. Since leaving home, she ate most meals in the way she liked best: with a book or magazine on the table,...
Notes from Camp Chaparral By Hillary Tiefer

Notes from Camp Chaparral By Hillary Tiefer

Notes from Camp Chaparral By Hillary Tiefer FollowFollowFollow Date entry: Sunday, July 12, 1970 I’m coping by writing these notes. I got the idea from Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground that was assigned in my AP English class during my last semester of...
Catch and Release by Stacey C. Johnson

Catch and Release by Stacey C. Johnson

Catch and Release by Stacey C. Johnson FollowFollowFollow It’s easy to get used to certain things, like aching shoulders and a sense of floating outside your life, looking down. A person who isn’t prepared to lose what’s gone will do whatever they can to...

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