I love it when someone I trust tells me about a new book they’ve read that they think I would like. It’s better than a new restaurant, better than a new movie. In fact it’s even better than a new coffee shop opening in town. Living in Portland, Maine means all of...
I’ve ambled through what by now I can safely say is most of my life blissfully ignorant of gender; convinced I could do anything anyone else could, male or female, as long as I dedicated myself to that goal. I’m the second of three girls in my family. The only boy...
Fall is upon us. The winds are growing colder, the trees are exploding with color, and the smells of cider and cinnamon tempt us to partake of the delicious treats we have waited for many a month. The blanket and steaming mug beckon. All that is missing is some great...
ISSUE 1 – BEGINNINGS: Each of the works we selected for the inaugural issue of Minerva Rising depicts the varied nature of beginnings. “To the Left is the Beach” illustrates how sometimes a beginning comes after a devastating loss. “The Womb...
An extrovert, I spent most of my childhood trying to get my two older introverted sisters to pay attention to me, to at least hear my ideas for whatever story we were making-believe. Most of my input got left on the cutting room floor, or worse, co-opted as someone...
I took this photo on a trip to New York City last year as I walked towards Times Square. To be honest I’m still not sure why I’m drawn to this photo. Yet I am. There’s nothing going on and whole lot going on at the same time. Maybe it’s the lines of the buildings....
Lately I’ve had a rash of startitis. I can’t find a fit for my creative energy. The real-life drudgery, I plow through well enough; re-installing Dropbox and Open Office (thanks for that, Windows 8); completing the forms for various manufactured bureaucratic...
Muse. My elusive, ephemeral Muse. Last Monday I left Philadelphia International Airport at 6:20 AM. I traveled all the way to the red and yellow bluffs of Ghost Ranch, in Abiquiu, New Mexico trying to find her. It’s pretty far to travel. But I’d won a Fellowship...
And a bonnie Monday morning it is. Crazy beautiful here. Sunrise over the ocean out the front window. Clouds that form, right before my eyes, born like a creature from a bit of sea mist that grows into a whale or a unicorn or, in the case of the one that just...
The littoral zone is a place where water meets land. Go a little deeper, though, and you’ll find the definition as squishy as the place itself. I read it as meaning not one place and not another, and it is where I am in my writing today. Somewhere between fiction...