by Minerva Rising Contributor | Aug 8, 2013 | Blog, The Keeping Room
On a rainy afternoon in the spring of 2011, my five-year-old son dumped a heavy book into my lap and said, “Read.” I opened the book and read the first line: “All children, except one, grow up.” The book was Peter Pan and Wendy, by J.M. Barrie, first published in...
by minervarising | Aug 5, 2013 | Blog, Photography
I took this picture at my local arboretum. I was meandering around the trails trying to find something interesting to shoot—a flower, a bird, something “spectacular.” While trying to find the “spectacular” I just kept shooting what was in front of me—the trail. There...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Aug 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
First, I should probably tell you that it’s been one of those years, a year in which you can’t believe a year has passed. And time did not fly because you had fun, instead the days were built of doing what must be done to get by and get through. These years have...
by Dulcie Witman | Jul 29, 2013 | Blog, Staff Blog
I have never opened a ripe mango and not wanted to lick it. It may be true that my first mango was not until I went to Mexico. If there was one before that I can only say it was not memorable and who cares about a forgettable mango anyway. No it was in my late...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Jul 25, 2013 | Uncategorized
Right now I have two jobs. The first is taking care of my three-year-old son. The second is writing. Both require mothering: the first of my son and the second of my writer self.Last fall, I volunteered at a writing conference for women and in one of the workshops, a...
by Lindsey Grudnicki | Jul 22, 2013 | Blog, Poetry2, Staff Picks
Kalyani Magazine, a new semi-annual literary journal by women of color, has made a promising first step towards its mission of “providing a voice to those who are often voiceless.” The magazine’s inaugural issue centers on the powerful (and controversial) theme of...
by minervarising | Jul 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
I have kept very quiet this week in the wake of the Zimmerman trial verdict. I have read many a tweet, article, reaction, and analysis of what happened and why. I am a person who largely keeps my head in the sand regarding current events and world news because I...
by minervarising | Jul 15, 2013 | Uncategorized
This week’s blog is written by Maria Caballero, a summer intern from North Central College in Naperville, Illinois. She is majoring in English, with an emphasis on writing, and will be spending the fall studying abroad in Canterbury, England. On December...
by Minerva Rising Contributor | Jul 11, 2013 | Uncategorized
Every summer I go on a retreat with a group of writers. We met when we were students in a creative writing MFA program at Goddard College. Five of us travel from the edges of the country to meet on tiny Decatur Island, in the San Juan Islands, to talk shop and lend...
by minervarising | Jul 8, 2013 | Uncategorized
At The Fairmont Acapulco Princess hotel’s outdoor lobby in Acapulco, Mexico. The lobby’s view is nothing short of breathtaking with many carved stone pillars. The pillars are covered from floor to ceiling in Aztec symbols and stand several stories high. I...