Our Writing and the Seasons

Our Writing and the Seasons

As I reflect on the transition we are making from Spring to Summer, I think of how incredibly affected I am by the seasons.  In fact, the manuscript of poems I am revising now is organized through the natural cycles of day and night, the seasons, and aging.  Here are...
Reflections on Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Reflections on Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Though I finished reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed more than a week ago, I’m still mesmerized by the courage and determination it took for her to hike the Pacific Crest Trail all alone. But what has really stuck with me is the process of finding yourself through...


So I’ve started a new project – a collection of short memoir pieces that recount some of the many jobs I’ve had, accompanied by fictional stories inspired by each of them. From realtor to chicken rancher, from chambermaid to cook to box maker to landscaper to...

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