Rocking Chairs

These rocking chairs speak to me. They say “Sit a while, be still. Stop worrying about the future. You can’t predict how it’s all going to turn out.” But, I feel chaotic right now. I think there’s a turning point coming in my life and I’m overwhelmed by the...

March Rebellion by Amy W. Raina

I awoke this morning stiff and sore at the sight of winter’s black, littered sidewalks. It’s in the low 30’s, the snow is melting and spring is just toying with us. The clocks are shooting bullets and minutes and seconds into our daylight hours and when I awake...

beginnings, middles and endings

I do good beginning, ask anyone who knows me. If you want an idea about how to get from here to there, where to move to, what new career would suit you best, or what’s a fun thing to do with $50 – go ask Dulcie, she’s got a million of them.  Starting a new day, a new...

Adaptation by Kimberly Mayer

Adaptation may be the perfect prompt for a writer who generally starts out with one thing in mind, and ends up with something else entirely. And then I realize, it’s pretty much the way my life goes too. So I had to do it, write about adaptation. I had every intention...

The Love Poem

I’ve been thinking seriously about love poems. What does that term mean? Is the idea of loss inherent in the DNA of a love poem? Is a love poem something transient? Like a novel you keep coming back to, does the meaning change depending on the stage of life of the...

Artistic Rebellion

Julia is fourteen years old and the youngest member of my Thursday morning art class.   When I first started, I thought it was odd that she wasn’t in school. But then I learned that she went to an alternative school that allowed her to spend more time developing her...

The Difference a Year Makes

I haven’t had much time to make photos lately, and if I’m being really honest, it’s mostly been a lack of inspiration. The holidays are over, it’s cold outside and it seems my creative self has gone into hibernation. So, I dug into my “archives” and found some photos...

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