So Loved  by Judy Richardson

So Loved by Judy Richardson

So Loved by Judy Richardson FollowFollowFollow At first, my throat scratched a bit, maybe because I had been talking or laughing too much at the party, a lively celebration, stocked with tributes, a slide show, drinks, and food. I masqued my sadness during the...
Human Heartbeat Detected by Chelsey Clammer

Human Heartbeat Detected by Chelsey Clammer

Human Heartbeat Detected by Chelsey Clammer FollowFollowFollow Human Heartbeat Detectedby Chelsey Clammer August 30, 2022Red Hen Press$16.95/Paperback978-1-63628-055-4 Book review by Anna Cavouras Reading Human Heartbeat Detected is a heart-wrenching journey of...
Suzie by Carol Ovenburg

Suzie by Carol Ovenburg

Suzie by Carol Ovenburg FollowFollowFollow TIP: use the controls below the document to turn pages, zoom in, or view full-size screen layout. Carol Ovenburg won an Honorable Mention and 2nd and 3rd place wins in WOW-Women on Writing – 2021 and 2022. She loves...
Friending My Brother by Michelle Goering

Friending My Brother by Michelle Goering

Friending My Brother by Michelle Goering FollowFollowFollow I have a testy relationship with Facebook. I ignore it for weeks, then come back for the dopamine hits when friends read what I’ve written, and I connect with others’ experiences. But I like to complain that...
Poor Your Soul by Mira Ptacin

Poor Your Soul by Mira Ptacin

Poor Your Soul by Mira Ptacin FollowFollowFollow Poor Your Soulby Mira Ptacin SoHo Press Inc. (2016)$17.00 (paperback)978-1-61695-766-7 ​ Book review by Rebecca Beardsall Three books sit on my nightstand as I struggle to get enveloped in a book during the long, dark...
Shutter by Ramona Emerson

Shutter by Ramona Emerson

Shutter by Ramona Emerson FollowFollowFollow Shutterby Ramona Emerson Soho Crime 2022$25.951641293330 Book review by Colleen Lutz Clemens Ramona Emerson’s debut novel Shutter took me by surprise.  I am not usually a mystery or crime genre fan, but her interview with...
Wildflowers by Kate Snow

Wildflowers by Kate Snow

Wildflowers by Kate Snow FollowFollowFollow My body holds the history of so many Mississippi summers that a bead of sweat rolls down my back in anticipation. I leave the relative cool of the house and step out into a predatory heat that envelopes the landscape in...

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