by BlogEditor | Jul 13, 2019 | Blog, The Keeping Room
By Marti Rhode All I want now is a pair of turquoise cowgirl boots. You know what kind, the ones with doily stitching around the top, and pointed, cowgirl toes. I want one of those twirling skirts with white rick-rack trim, and fringe, somewhere. ...
by BlogEditor | Jul 10, 2019 | Blog, The Keeping Room
By Gail Peck This new place on the second floor I call my tree house. I can’t get used to saying apartment. There are trees all around and a twenty-five-foot balcony. Still, I miss the private backyard we had, especially the Japanese Maples we planted and could...
by BlogEditor | Mar 1, 2019 | Blog, The Keeping Room
By Katie Vagnino This is what happens when you sign up for a yoga class online and don’t read the fine print. It is an honest mistake, one I realize the moment I enter the studio and am confronted with posters of women smiling blissfully, their hands delicately...
by BlogEditor | Jan 23, 2019 | Blog, Poetry2, The Keeping Room
By Jury S. Judge Sundial peaks cast their angular shadow By the way of blessed pines Light travels in splintered sheets Through the dense virgin forest Fiddlehead ferns unfurl nervously Look at the darker edge of green Soft moss responsive to rain...
by BlogEditor | Nov 4, 2018 | Blog, Poetry2, The Keeping Room
By Rachel E. Layton I was raised by a witch doctor. She taught me voodoo, and how to track down a killer by listening to his victim’s maggots. She took me to visit convents of shamans; They’d let me dig bones from owl pellets. I found a...
by BlogEditor | Oct 8, 2018 | Blog, Poetry2, The Keeping Room
By Ashley Gonzalez Butterfly Hearts, Sisters of Fits and Starts, lend me your wings, those feathery things that make even shakiest voices sing. King of Brothers, lend me your crystal cutters, shining prisms of Light over lover’s skin. No sin in...