Market by Jeanne Julian

Market by Jeanne Julian

  Market   In gray light between dawn and day, before drudges arrive at their towering hives, before crowds of tourists trudge the farmers market aisle, flowers come to the city in trucks. Men in aprons, women in kerchiefs, receive buckets of dahlias, stock,...
Cronelight by Noel Canin

Cronelight by Noel Canin

Cronelight? Cronelight. But crones are haggard old creatures with no teeth and hooked noses. Crones, dear heart, are ‘mischievous, cantankerous women’ – Shorter Oxford Dictionary. And if you look a little harder, sweetpea, you’ll see ‘withered...
Two Poems by Jeanne Julian

Two Poems by Jeanne Julian

  Making Bread, New Year’s Day For Tim   Shaped like a brain, warm as the flesh of those soft responsive hidden oases for hands (euphemism for buttocks, belly, breasts), the supple dough, culmination of formula and feel— of call of water waking yeast from...

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