Rising Above… A Generative Writing Workshop

Rising Above… A Generative Writing Workshop

Rising Above… A Generative Writing Workshop $25.00 Virtual Writing Workshop Thursday, March 6, 2025  7 PM (EST) As a community of wordsmiths, champions of individuality, and humans, we must continue to create. This defiant act of expression gives us hope,...
Journal Issue 23 available now

Journal Issue 23 available now

Journal Issue 23 available now FollowFollowFollow Issue 23, Subversion, is available now! The poetry, essays, and stories in Issue 23 – Subversion are a testament to how words can bridge our differences and serve as an antidote to the effects of oppression and...
Minerva Rising Winter Reading, February 21

Minerva Rising Winter Reading, February 21

Minerva Rising Winter Reading, February 21 FollowFollowFollow Join us for a triple book launch! Together, come listen to these three powerhouses read from their new books, How We Fracture by Karen George, Fig by Emily Wall, and Twenty-One Farewells by Emily Kerlin....

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