Tales She Might Tell by Sarah Mayo

Tales She Might Tell

Ripped with a lisp,
primed for
a nettle barbed
kiss, she stomps
with a kink & kick,
sways in a smudged

clay cloaked
haze. From her
inner spiral,
emerges smoke
rings & splatter,
sparks which hiss

in rapid fits
from a coruscating
She croaks
each time
she opens up

her throat,
full up on
flirt hurt,
by the tease
of a peacock
pert curse. She
imagines her hips
widening, fears
the rope
her will wrestling

in rainbow
wrought ways,
many hands
her hula
hooped glaze.


Sarah Mayo’s poetry has been published in Here: A Poetry Journal, Poem Alone, Republic Magazine, Screech, and the anthologies Moon Water by Spell Jar Press and Cardiff 75. Her poems are also due to be published by Dreich and  Cicada Song Press. Her flash fiction appears in the Wicked Shadow Press Femme Fatale Flashes anthology. She edits Valleys Imaginings, a local literary art zine.

MINERVA RISING PRESS publishes thought-provoking and insightful stories and essays written by a diverse collective of women writers to elevate women’s voices and create a more compassionate world.

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