by BlogEditor | Jul 24, 2020 | Poetry, The Keeping Room
Elizabeth Kuelbs writes and mothers at the edge of a Los Angeles canyon. She holds an MFA from the Vermont College of Fine Arts....
by BlogEditor | Jul 10, 2020 | Fiction, The Keeping Room
Love Allen yearned and survived, carrying the American zeitgeist in her skin. It began just after the last day of school. Because she loved her two children beyond reason or sensibility, she let them have the first week free and clear—no chores, no bedtimes, no...
by BlogEditor | Jul 3, 2020 | Fiction, The Keeping Room
It just wasn’t the right time. Maybe that’s what people always say. Or maybe they’ve learned not to say that. Because it does sound awful, doesn’t it? It just wasn’t the right time—when there’s a vulnerable new life budding inside you. I knew I couldn’t keep it. I was...
by BlogEditor | Jun 26, 2020 | Creative Nonfiction, The Keeping Room
I became a mother when Riley was born. I became a poet when he died. His death and writing poetry are intertwined like the malformed vessels of his AVM and his brain—rooted, inseparable as a banyan and its host tree. If Riley hadn’t died, I would not be writing...
by Kim Brown | Jun 19, 2020 | Blog, News & Events, Women and the World
I have spent the last few weeks struggling to put my thoughts and emotions into words. As a writer, I want to use my words to stand with my Black brothers and sisters as we fight against the systemic racism we face daily. But to be honest, I’m at a loss as to where to...
by BlogEditor | Jun 19, 2020 | Creative Nonfiction, The Keeping Room
Nana, my mother’s mother, was the maven of molasses creams, maple syrup, piggy-back rides, pickled beets, knits and purls, boiled jelly, tomatoes, and trilliums. In other words, she tilled the land, fed the family, created textiles, designed garden beds, and...
by BlogEditor | Jun 2, 2020 | Fiction, The Keeping Room
It was snowing when Bess woke and turned off the alarm. She could see large flakes falling in the dim early light. She slipped from the covers and, shivering, pulled on a robe, collected her clothes and opened the bedroom door. It squawked just as it had a few hours...
by BlogEditor | Sep 16, 2019 | The Keeping Room, Uncategorized
The plane ascends. Women disrobe, crossing into Turkey’s airspace. Their hair cascades like waterfalls. I lift my skirt to let my legs breathe. So much sin is compressed between my teeth & my toes! I stride over the pavement. The wind runs through...
by Kim Brown | Aug 12, 2019 | Author Profiles, Staff Blog
Alice Bloch is the author of Mother-Daughter Banquet: A Memoir, the winner of our 2018 memoir contest. Her prolific writing career includes the memoir Lifetime Guarantee, the novel The Law of Return, and publication in several anthologies. She also wrote a column for...
by Kim Brown | Jul 31, 2019 | Staff Blog
It’s no secret that our staff loves books. Reading is our superpower. We read submissions for Minerva Rising and tons of books and journals for our own personal edification. Here’s what we’ve been reading over the summer: Brooke —...