Cultivating Inner Wisdom

Through life struggles, trauma, and cultural conditioning, we lose touch with our own inner guide. Cultivating Inner Wisdom is an invitation to slow down and tune in.

We explore ways of reestablishing self-trust, recovering our intuition, and developing resiliency in everyday moments.

Common and recurring topics include yoga, psychology, spirituality, relationships, parenting, body positivity, intuitive eating, and trauma recovery.

Posts by Irene McGarrity

Tuning Into the Body’s Wisdom

We are faced with big and small choices on a daily basis. The decision to take an exciting new job that comes with a lot of responsibility, or choosing to leave a familiar long term relationship that is fraught with turmoil are examples of big decisions with long-term consequences.

MINERVA RISING PRESS provides the opportunity for women artist to share their diverse experiences and talents in order to nurture a collective creativity. We publish thought-provoking fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and photography by both established and emerging women writers and artists.

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